Add User

Add User

On adding a user in the device you need to call the nialabs POST api with stgid as query param.{stgid}

where stgid is the serial number of the device you want to send operation command

Request Data

The format must be exact as specified.

  "Add": {
  "OperationID": "string"
  "AuthToken": "string"
  "Time": "string"

Callback Response

on successful request the response will be

     "Status": "done",
     "OperationID": "",
     "StatusCode": 0

Sample Data

     "Add": {
          "User": {
               "UserID": "1",
               "FirstName": "Manu",
               "LastName": "Mona",
               "UserType": "User"
     "OperationID": "1jxpjeoasu8wl",
     "AuthToken": "COJJ7eiiPBGUfmIQPvh2PJWWDLX7OuKs",
     "Time": "2020-09-17 11:09:09 GMT +0530"